JSM Educational Academy
J.S.M. Educational Academy, Mant (Mathura)

     Children will be admitted to different classes according to prescribed age group and holding of achievement tests, in English, Hindi, Maths and Science.
     Normally children of two years and six months to three years are admitted in Pre-Nursery / Nursery-I and three years and six months to four years in Nursery II.
    Parents/Guardians are required to fill up the prescribed application forms, available in the school office, from March 1st.
    In case of late admission, fees chargeable from the beginning of the First Term ought to be deposited.
    Three recent passport size photographs of the student for identity card, admission form etc will be required to be furnished.
    All the supporting documents as required in the admission form, must be submitted along with the form.

    Students Must Bring Home Work Diary Every Day.
    They Must Bring Appropriate Tiff In And Water Bottle, Having Their Names Etc. Labeled On Them.
    Name, Class, Section And Medium Must Invariably Be Written On The Bag, Books, Copies And Other Belongings.
    Students Must Be Regular And Punctual In Attending The School And Complete Their Assignment Daily.
    No Student Will Be Allowed To Leave School Premises Without Obtaining Permission Of The Principal.
    Students Will Be Solely Responsible For Safe Custody Of Their Books And Belongings, And The School Authorities Will Not Be Responsible In The Event Of Their Loss.
    Students Returning To School After Suffering From Infectious Diseases Must Produce Medical Certificate From A Registered Qualified Doctor.
    Students Must Attend The School Daily With Text Books And Note Books According To The Time-Table.
    Students Must Put On Neat And Clean Prescribed Dress, Properly Ironed And P [Shed Shoes And Look Smart.